jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

It's time to reflect!

1. What do you think about the organization of ancient Egypt's society? Do you think it was fair?
I think it was un fair! That society only benefited a few people and there were much more people non-privileged than privileged. If one of the non-privileged people did the work very well they didn't cange nothing of her/his life. I think if work very well you must have a benefice.

2. Compare it with our society nowadays. Do you think there are still privileged and non-privileged people?
I think no because now everybody it's igual in some conutries are racism but now a days all the people are the same and you are iqual than the others. Maybe, the money diference one's of the others but it's a little thing.

3. What are your feelings after watching this video?
It's amaizing, i think that every children would have to study, play with friends,enjoy the life... But if the people of here don't do nothing the tings don't change alone. If all of the people do a little bit for there they change their lifes.

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